New Sleds and Chairs!
Posted on Mar. 17, 2023A HUGE thank-you to our Parent Council for the donations to purchase new sleds and folding chairs for our school. These donations will make for a more active recess as well…
A HUGE thank-you to our Parent Council for the donations to purchase new sleds and folding chairs for our school. These donations will make for a more active recess as well…
Wild Rose School Division would like to thank all those who attended the October 4, 2023 community engagement meeting to discuss the Breton High School modernization project. …
The Rainbows Program is coming to Breton Elementary! The Rainbows program consists of 12 weekly meetings with a small group of 3-5 participants. Journals, games, activities…
Check one box off the revitalization/greening of instruments at BES! 21 new Ukuleles will be replacing some very hard working units. Hopefully these will last as long as…
Today we celebrate the life of Terry Fox. We have exceeded our fundraising goals. The marathon of hope continues.
A fond farewell to our grade 6 class. Best of luck at BHS in the fall! Grade Six Farewell Video Grade 6 Slides 2022 Also to our newest students in Kindergarten! On to Grade…
SOLD OUT!!!!! Thank you everyone! The legacy fundraiser for the grade 6 class has sold out of Krispy Kreme Doughnuts. Pickup will be Thursday, April 29th at the school. Thank…
This is the letter from WRSD for parents with information on our divisions Re-Entry plans. WRSD Re-Entry Letter to Parents
We are here to help. Everything can feel overwhelming at times, and that's O-Kay! We all feel it. So what can we do to help? If you are struggling with a subject don't…
Christmas Concert 2019 With the Christmas Concert fast approaching, we would like to remind everyone that we have sent home a form asking for #'s for our performances. This…
Breton Elementary is ready for a new school year! Teachers and Staff have been working hard to make sure we are ready for students. Custodians and maintenance staff have…
Breton Elementary's Student Lighthouse Team challenged students in our school to write about things they are grateful for in their lives. Here is a terrific selection of…
What a great fire safety day! Thank you so much to the dedicate Breton Fire Department. We had presentations, the little ones got to go through a smoke house, and we did…
Breton Elementary School recognizes Orange Shirt Day! Our staff and students wore orange to remember all the people who were impacted by the residential school system in…
We would like to welcome Mrs. Tammy Pierini to Breton Elementary as our new Grade 2 teacher. She comes to Breton Elementary with a wide variety of teaching experience and…
We are three weeks away from a new school year. Students return to school Tuesday, September 4, and it is a full day of school. It is also the first day of school for…
Const. Steve hosted a wonderful bike rodeo today! All our students were able to learn about bicycle safety, the importance of wearing helmets and how to signal. Mr. Johnson…
BEST DAY EVER! Track meet was yesterday at Breton High! Glorious sunshine day and a lot of fun. Thank you so much to the staff and students of Breton High for hosting such…
On Wednesday, May 23, 2018, Breton Elementary's Grade 6 class participated in DARE grad. Our SRO, Const Stephen Taylor, who taught our DARE program, MC'd the event. WE…
As we are preparing for our Leadership Day on April 25, we were honoured to get a letter from our Premier. Our students have been working hard getting our school ready…
Our archery team attended provincials, a tournament held at Northlands in Edmonton, on March 15. We are very proud of all of our students, but we won't know the results…
Our Breton Elementary Archery Team participated in the St. Anthony's invitational tournament on February 23 and 24th. This was our first tournament of the year and the…
Breton Elementary held our annual Christmas Concert on December 21. There are some lovely photos in our gallery for your viewing pleasure. A huge thank you to our brilliant…
Breton Elementary School collected 425 items for our local Christmas Wishes program. We reached our school goal of 400 items. The Breton Fire Department came to collect…
Our Health Action Leadership Team (the HAT Team) hosted a program called "Switch Witch". This is an annual event at Breton Elementary. We encourage students to donate…
Breton Elementary had a fun time getting into the Halloween spirit. We had a terrific costume parade with entertainment from some Grade 5 dancers and our Grade 6 rock band! …
The Scholastic Book Fair is coming to our school and we invite you to share in this celebration of books and reading with us. This year we have set a goal of $3200.00 in…
Breton Elementary participated in Orange Shirt Day on September 28. Orange Shirt Day is a legacy of the St. Joseph Mission (SJM) residential school commemoration event…
Please help us welcome Mrs. Kathleen Wiltzen to the staff of Breton Elementary. She is joining us as our second Grade 1 teacher. Mrs. Wiltzen and Mrs. Gatzke have been…
Our Breton Elementary Facebook Page is one of our best communication tools. If you have not yet "liked" us on Facebook, please do. You will find upcoming events, interesting…
Welcome back to Breton Elementary. We are all very excited about the new school year starting. The custodians have cleaned every nook and cranny and teachers have been…
Making payments just became easier! School Cash is now available online to use multiple forms of transactions. You can still pay by check or cash at the school. Click this…
Silver for Choir Our choir received a silver standing at the Drayton Valley Performing Arts Festival today. The kids got a chance to work on both our songs (Clouds and Firefly…
We are currently arranging Leader In Me parent sessions at Breton Elementary and need your input. These sessions would be once a month beginning in January. Every session…
"Blessing Bags" Breton Elementary builds ties to the larger community through service projects. This year, one such project is "Blessing Bags": large Ziploc freezer bags…
Book Fair Achieves Goals This years Scholastic Book Fair was a HUGE success, surpassing the goal of $3200! Thank-you to all the community members, families and students…
Our winter food bank drive begins today and will continue until October 14th. Alberta food banks are being used more than ever. Let's make this winter a full one for everyone.…
Orange Shirt Day On Friday Sept.30th Breton Elementary School joined with other schools across Alberta to remember a dark and shameful time in our history. Orange Shirt…
Come one, come all to the Book Fair at Breton Elementary! Never to soon to grab a Christmas gift, or just a literary treat! Reading is the gift that lasts a lifetime!
David Bouchard The morning began with the return of author, musician, and First Nations advocate David Bouchard. David spent the morning speaking to the students on topics…
On May 9 and 10th, 2016, the Grade 4 class held two hot dog sales to raise money for emergency disaster relief in Fort McMurray. Their original goal was to raise $300.00.…
Breton Elementary hosted our first Leadership Day on March 22, 2016. The students showcased their leadership skills through an informative assembly, leadership team tri-folds,…
Staff and students at Breton Elementary are getting excited about, and starting to prepare for, a very special event in March—our very first Leadership Day! We have now…
We were proud to host the Seven Habits of Highly Effective People Signature 3.1 training at Breton Elementary. We were joined by staff from Breton High School and Warburg…
Looking for school supply lists? They are on this website. Go to "Breton Elementary" and then go to "documents" and they will be there.
Welcome back! We hope everyone had a terrific summer. Students will be back to school on September 1st. The staff are looking forward to a wonderful school year. If…
Congratulations to our Grade 6 Concert Band for winning Gold at the Drayton Valley Performing Arts Festival on Friday, April 24, 2015. They also won an adjudicators medal…
Our Breton Elementary Archery Club and their coaches Mrs. Markham, Mr, Dusterhoft and Ms. Bakos finished off an exciting year of archery by attending the provincial tournament…
Our Breton Elementary Choir received a gold standing at the Drayton Valley Kin Club Performing Arts Festival on April 16, 2015. Thank you to Mrs. Lindsey, our accompanist,…
Students of Breton Elementary look “Pretty in Pink” on last week’s Pink Shirt Day! The majority of staff and students at BES were able to round up something pink to…
Students at BES are very fortunate to have access to fun and interesting activities lately. Throughout late January and early February classesgot to head to the outdoor…
The Health Action Team at Breton Elementary School would like to invite you to come and get some exercise! On Wednesday, February 4 from 1:30pm to 2:30pm, we challenge the…
Six more staff members have completed training in the "Seven Habits of Highly Effective People". There were three days devoted to training, facilitated by Mrs. Kolody and…
The Grade 5 and 6 classes had a wonderful time skiing at Rabbit Hill. Some chose skiing and some chose snowboarding, but everyone had lots of fun and enjoyed a beautiful…
Dear Breton Elementary Parents: With our annual Christmas Concert upon us, we would like to share a few reminders and changes to our concert this year. Our concert is…
Local Author to Visit Breton Elementary! On Wednesday, October 15, students at Breton Elementary get the privilege of meeting local author and inspirational…
Way to show community leadership! On Friday, October 3, our Grade 6 class counted the final tally of our food bank drive and helped load all items for delivery. We collected…
Our food bank drive for the Breton Food Bank is finishing tomorrow, Friday, October 3. As of Thursday, we have collected 470 items for the food bank. We had set individual,…
Welcome back to school. The staff of Breton Elementary are very excited to be working with your children this year. We are a Leader in Me School. You will find posted…
Mr.Farrow has begun training with the new website software. We are now in the process of moving and updating information from our previous version of the site. Look for changes…
Please click here for the school year supply lists.
Online Registration Available Now
School Cash online is a great way to pay for things at school. While we have no mandatory school fees, we do charge for field trips. If you…
Please follow this link to find our 2024-2025 Parent Handbook. HANDBOOK
There are no mandatory School Fees at Breton Elementary. For more information: https://bretonel.wrsd.ca/school-fees