Breton Elementary Rocks Pink Shirt Day

Students of Breton Elementary look “Pretty in Pink” on last week’s Pink Shirt Day! The majority of staff and students at BES were able to round up something pink to wear on Wednesday, February 25 in support of anti-bullying.
Pink Shirt Day was originally started in Atlantic Canada 8 years ago by a group of high school students who decided to wear pink shirts in support of a fellow student who had been teased for wearing a pink shirt to school. Pink Shirt Day has since be-come a nation wide event that helps bring support and awareness to the problem of bullying.
With our Leader in Me program, we also seek to help students learn the skills and attitudes that can help prevent bullying—Being Proactive (being responsible for what you say and do), Thinking Win-Win (everyone can win) and most importantly, Seeking First to Understand, Then be Understood (trying to understand others in-stead of teasing or excluding because of differences).