School Technology Use Policy

School Technology Use Policy


When using SCHOOL technology, students are accountable for:


  • Always have permission before using school technology


    1. Students using devices without permission may lose other privileges.
    2. Multiple infractions will result in loss of privileges/disciplinary action.  



  • Treating all of the school technology with respect.


    1. Misuse of Chromebooks, computers or other technology can result in damage. Replacement or repair of technology is expensive. Please be careful.
    2. Students found defacing or damaging Chromebooks or other technology purposefully will lose the use of that technology.
    3. Students will carry Chromebooks with TWO hands, with the device closed during transport. Short distances (from desk to desk in the classroom) is fine.



  • Only visiting Internet websites as directed by the teacher.  


    1. This is for both safety and to insure the information being accessed is grade level appropriate.



  • Being respectful when writing messages to anyone while using technology.


    1. We expect students to act with integrity and responsibility online.
    2. Teachers and staff reserve the right to review any and all messages made on school devices.



  • Telling a teacher right away if something is wrong with the computer.


    1. Accidents and mistakes happen. It is the technology users responsibility to let staff know of any issues.



  • Telling a teacher right away if something they see on the computer screen makes them uncomfortable.


    1. The internet is a big place. Even with the best filters, preparation and screening there may be images or text that make you uncomfortable. If this happens, let the teacher know and they will help you navigate away and plan for avoiding it in the future.



  • Sharing the technology fairly if they are working with a partner.


    1. Breton Elementary works on a ‘one to one’ Chromebook system. Students have Chromebooks assigned to them or to their classroom. Students are responsible for their technology and will share when directed by the teacher, or in appropriate group setting.



  • Only using their own login.  

  • Never sharing their passwords with anyone other than their teacher or parents/guardians.